Tag - Water Features Springfield MO

Shrub Plant Watering Practices

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How to Water Your New Shrubs and Plants

There are many exceptions to the following guidelines. Species specific research is encouraged for customers interested in the proper maintenance of their trees.

The #1 cause of death for new plants in urban landscapes is over watering. Over watering can push all of the oxygen out of the soil and actually choke a plant to death faster than under watering will kill the plant of dehydration. Be sure water is draining from your plant so it isn’t sitting in a puddle of water for an extended period of time after watering. Poorly draining soils will require much less water than outlined below

The key is to keep the soil around the root system moist, without drowning the plants. Touching the ground and feeling the soil moisture at the base of your plant is always the best way to determine watering needs. If the ground is really wet, don’t water. If the ground is really dry, consider watering more often or a few seconds longer than outlined below.

Avoid letting water splash on plant leaves if at all possible, particularly if watering after 8 a.m. The best time of day to water is between 4-8 a.m.

After the initial establishment, plants should be watered once or twice a month for the first 1-2 years, even during the winter, if/when weather permits, and especially during summer. We recommend hand watering plants during the first 2-4 weeks because it is a significantly more effective way to water plants evenly and/or detect plants which go into decline before it’s too late to utilize our replacement warranty.

Weeks Since Planted      Watering Schedule using a Hose@ Full Pressure

1-2                                     Once daily (3-6 seconds)

3-6                                     3x/Week (3-6 seconds)

7-8                                      1x/Week (5-10 seconds)

Weeks Since Planted        Using Irrigation System

1-2                                         Daily watering at half of normal watering time(Twice daily during Summer heat)

3-8                                        3x/week (regular watering schedule)

*Increase frequencies of watering to daily to compensate for additional water loss from temperatures above 85*F. Decrease frequencies of watering to compensate for lack of water loss during temperatures below 45*F

Sod Installation Springfield MO

Grass Watering for Sod-Seed

Click Here To Download Grass Watering for Sod-Seed

How to Water Your New Sod and/or Grass Seed

  • For temperatures above 85oF increase frequency of watering not the length of the watering times
  • During periods of cold weather (45oF and below) the watering cycle can be decreased to once a week or once every other week
  • Water less than prescribed below when there are significant amounts of rainfallon the seed or sod
  • If there is excessive rainfall you may skip a water ingcycle as long as the ground is sufficiently moist
  • Touch the ground with your hands or bare feet to feel for excessive moisture and/or dry/hard ground
  • This is the best way to determine watering needs
  • If the ground is squishy, you sink in, or it splashes water and mud when patting your foot on the ground, don’t water for that day.
  • If the ground is hard or dry to the touch, it can be watered
  • The key to establishment is to keep the soil around the root system moist
  • The best time of day to water is between 4-8 a.m.(this will minimize your chances for disease development in new sod) and it is the time of day when up take of water and nutrients is most active

Weeks Since Planted     Watering Schedule using a Hose

1-2                                     Once daily (3-6 seconds) per sqft

3-6                                      3x/Week (3-6 seconds) per sqft

7-8                                      1x/Week (5-10 seconds) per sqft

Weeks Since Planted       Using Irrigation System

1-2                                      Daily watering at half of normal watering time(Twice daily during Summer heat)

3-8                                    3x/week (regular watering schedule)

* Continue watering as outlined for light rain events


Tree Watering Practices

Click Here To Download Tree Watering Practices

Tree Watering Practices

How to Water Your New Trees

There are many exceptions to the following guidelines. Species-specific research is encouraged for customers interested in the proper maintenance of their trees.

Trees prefer a larger volume of water, provided a little less frequently, relative to smaller plants. The key to establishment is to keep the soil around the root system moist. The root system is generally 12 to 18 inches deep on most trees. A slower deeper watering is more effective at reaching 12 to 18 inches deep.

Over watering can push all of the oxygen out of the soil and actually choke a plant to death faster than underwatering will kill the plant of dehydration. Be sure water is draining from your plant so it isn’t sitting in a puddle of water for an extended period of time after watering. Poorly draining soils will require much less water than outlined below. Touching the ground and feeling the soil moisture at the base of your tree is always the best way to determine watering needs.

Avoid letting water splash on the leaves of your tree, if possible. The best time of day to water is between 4-8 a.m. After the initial establishment, trees should be watered once or twice a month for the first 1-2 years, even during the winter, if/when weather permits, and especially during summer.

We don’t recommend relying on a lawn irrigation system to adequately water your trees. While the in-ground sprinklers will reduce water needs, trees will still need supplemental watering from a hose.

Weeks Since Planted             Frequency/Durationusing a Hose

1-2                                              Once daily @ 20-30 seconds/tree

3-6                                              3x/Week @ 20-30 seconds/tree

7-8                                              1x/Week @ 30-60 seconds/tree*

Increase frequencies of watering to daily to compensate for additional water loss from temperatures above 85*F. Decrease frequencies of watering to compensate for lack of water loss during temperatures below 45*F.


Fall Aerating and Over-Seeding

Click Here To Download Fall Aerating and Over-Seeding

Fall Aerating and Over-Seeding

What is Aeration and How to Prepare for Aeration and Over-seeding?

“Aeration” or “core aeration” is the process of exposing your soil to the air by removing plugs of soil from the turf. This basic maintenance practice improves soil structure. Soil structure significantly impactsthe availability of the critical elements of plant life in a soil. These critical elements (oxygen, water, and nutrients) are more readily available in a regularly aerated area. Over time, aeration increases the quality and health of grass and trees during by promoting thicker and deeper root growth.

Most lawns in our area should be aerated once a year. A lawn experiencing heavy traffic or extensive soil structure damage may need to be aerated twice a year for the first few years in order to maintain a quality soil structure.

How to Prepare for Aeration & Over-seeding:

Look for the utility markings in the yard & mark your private lines

  • We have public utilities marked through MO-One Call (1-800-DIG-RITE) to avoid shallow telecommunications lines
  • Place flags or spray turf-safe paint on any irrigation heads not along a curb or concrete edge, AND on invisible dog fences, OR on any other private underground lines

Make sure ground is soft for best results

  • Try to water the day or two prior to aerating service if ground is very dry and hard
  • Please don’t water the day of aerating services
  • “Soaked” and “soft” are not the same

After Aeration and Over-seeding:

  • Water in grass seed immediately following aerationAfter Aeration and Over-seeding:
  • Continue normal watering schedules until the beginning of November (if weather permits)
  • Leave the soil plugs on the lawn because they break down and filter back into holes left by the aerationmachine
  • Mow yard once or twice during the first 8-10 days after seeding
  • Avoid mowing and other traffic on lawn for the following 10-14 days after the initial 8-10 day period post-seeding
  • Regular mowing can resume around the 3rd-4th week following aeration (it is recommended to skipmowing for a week or two during the 2nd to 3rd week following seeding
  • Don’t expect instant results: Aeration and Over-seeding starts to make the most visual impact after two or three years of Fall aeration and over-seeding.
  • If you were aerated and over-seeded towards the end of the Fall “seeding window,” expect to see your results in late Spring, early Summer.
  • If you were aerated and over-seeded during the Spring “seeding window,” expect to see your results early Summer or when it cools down in the Fall. Often times Spring aeration and over-seeding is performed more for soil structure improvements than for seed establishment.
  • It is rare to see great results the same season the service is provided.
  • The results of regular annual aeration are cumulative, so consistently performing this maintenance to a lawn area is critical to achieving sustainable results.

If for some reason after aerating and seeding and you did not get the results you wanted, there could be an underlying issue such as: high traffic, pest problem, your soil pH won’t release nutrients properly, your soil is still overly compacted, thatch buildup, etc. Call and schedule a free consultation/estimate to address any of your lawn or landscaping concerns.

Worth The Wait For The Best Landscaping Companies in Springfield MO

Worth The Wait For The Best Landscaping Companies in Springfield MO

The first two questions we usually get asked whenever someone calls us  about a landscaping job whether it is Springfield , Nixa Ozark or Branson is “How soon can you get here to give us a quote?” and “How quickly can you get started?” We try to be very transparent up front that it can take a week or two for us to come out for a bid and once we get the go ahead from the property owner, it can take us another 8 to 10 weeks to get your job started. Why does it take us so long? There are a few reasons.

For starters, if someone is sitting around waiting for you to call them and can start on your job right away, that’s generally going to be a red flag. Unless they are a brand new company or a big project recently fell through, there should be a steady pipeline of work lined up for the best landscaping companies in Springfield MO. Because of Gabris Landscaping has a solid track record of providing quality work for our customers, we’ve got a pretty steady backlog of work to complete.

Next, it takes time to do a job the right way. We aren’t the cheapest or the fastest landscapers in town, but we stand behind our work and will only take on quality jobs that we can be proud of. So if you care more about how quickly or cheaply the job can get done, then we’re probably not the landscaping company for you.

But if you realize that your home is your most valuable asset and it’s worth the investment of money and time to get the job done right the first time, then we’re confident that the landscaping experts at Gabris Landscaping will be worth the wait.

Idea Generation

Our experienced landscape designers have loads of ideas from the many years of experiance working in the industry as your local landscaping company. Our ability to be abundant with ideas and to spin one idea into a new and improved idea using our past experience and industry expertise is a unique talent of our design professionals.

Site Analysis

If you are a local to Missouri you will know that every parcel of land is unique. Our professional landscape designers have the skills to understand all the minor details that come together to dictate the broad-brush strokes of design. We have the refined talent to define the unique elements of each area of focus.

Conceptual Design

Once there is a clear analysis of your project site, we will come up with conceptual design ideas to contemplate. Every site has multiple solutions, but when the background research has been done thoroughly, our professional landscape designer will narrow down the options to a concept that answers the needs, wants and wishes of the property owner while addressing the characteristics presented in the existing landscape.

Construction Planning

Landscape design is about more than just ideas. By working with our seasoned professionals, you can be assured that what we develop together will have the ability to not only be built, but also to be sustained.

Budget Creation

Understanding what things cost is very important. Once the direction and aesthetic is defined it is necessary to bring the project into the reality of money. Your professional landscape designer will be able to reasonably provide a budget you can count on. We can also help you determine whether it makes sense to build the project all at once or to phase it in.

If you have a landscape project bubbling up in your imagination, think about contacting the professional landscape designers at Gabris Landscaping to help you develop and refine your ideas into an actionable plan. We’re confident that the end result will be worth the wait.

Spring Landscape Checklist - Landscaping Services Springfield MO

Spring Landscape Checklist – Landscaping Services Springfield MO

Does your backyard have plenty of room for improvement? Let us help you come up with the right landscape design to suit your needs. Make plans now to transition your landscape this spring with the help of our professional landscaping services.

Landscape Design Ideas

Sometimes the hardest part about landscaping your yard is finding the right ideas you need to begin the project. Here are a few general landscape design ideas for back yards with different purposes.

A Backyard Made for Entertaining

Make your backyard the setting for summertime parties by including these features:

– Hardscaped surfaces to place tables and chairs
– A fire pit and other sources of outdoor lighting and heat for fun after dark
– A large gate to bring in tables, chairs, tents and more
– A grill or an outdoor kitchen to prepare food outdoors while surrounded by party guests

A Backyard for the Family

Give every family member a place to enjoy in the back yard with these features:

– Safe play area for the kids including a jungle gym, swing set and sand box
– Hammock for teens to enjoy a good book on a lovely afternoon
– Seating area for adults to soak up the outdoors and keep an eye on the kids
– Fenced in yard for privacy and safety

A Low-Maintenance Back Yard

If you want to enjoy a serene outdoor setting without much work, include these features in your back yard:

– Native plants, trees and grass
Xeriscaped and hardscaped areas that don’t require pruning, mowing or watering
– Covered seating area to keep outdoor furniture in good shape longer

Spring Landscape Planning

Having an idea of what you might want to include in your new backyard gives you a good starting point, but putting your plan to paper is a crucial part of making your design ideas a reality. Our landscape designers will plot the positions of fixtures you don’t want to change, such as trees, sidewalks, buildings, driveways and similar items.

We will also figure out important details such as where will the irrigation system go? How will you run electricity to the lights and pond pump? Are stone steps practical, or do you really need a ramp?

We will consider the topography of your back yard and whether your ideas are feasible. Then our landscape designer can help you choose specific plants, hardscape materials and more to ensure your back yard meets your specific needs.

To work with a knowledgeable landscape and hardscape design company, please contact the pros at Gabris Landscaping. We can help you accomplish exactly what you have in mind for your backyard this spring.

Spice Up Your Landscaping with Water Features Springfield MO

Spice Up Your Landscaping with Water Features Springfield MO

Adding water features to the landscaping in your yard helps to soothe the spirit after a hard day of work. A beautifully planted yard with well-groomed plants and hardscaped walkways with custom bricks is a great start, but it lacks the flow and continuity that a stream, pond or fountain can bring. A well-designed yard will make a statement about the owner with a professionally designed pond, waterfall or fountain included in the landscape.

There are a variety of water features to consider for your landscaping with more benefits than just beauty and relaxation to be gained. With the increasing weather shifts including droughts and intermittent heavy downpours, a well-designed yard can include rainwater harvesting. A water garden created by our certified landscape professionals can be one of the most beautiful and earth friendly water features that one can invest in.

Our water features add tranquil beauty and relaxing sounds to a back or front yard oasis. Especially when you mix in lighting with your water features and plants to make them feel more natural. Your family and friends will all feel welcomed and relaxed in a yard with these additions. No need to travel to some far away location to relax. It makes sense for families to do more to make their home like a mini vacation spot.

Water features designed by our landscape professionals can avoid some of the leakage and mildew problems that homemade additions or hobbyists encounter when attempting to install such an intricate feature.

Lovely waterfalls and ponds can actually channel excess rain away from the foundation of a home, offer some flow and balance to the yard, and become a lovely topic of conversation. Keep in mind that there will be extra maintenance for these water features, so they are only recommended for the dedicated homeowner.

Imagine working from home and wanting to take a break. Simply by walking into your back yard, a quick stroll can energize the spirit to go back into the focus mode for a more productive working day. A home business owner would be better prepared to entertain business guests with a patio and a small stream or fountain running nearby. The conversation is much more likely to go well with this type of atmosphere.

Our professional landscape designers will take into account the drainage of the soil, the location of the streets and trees, and the run off of your yard. Our final design will be one that not only adds harmony to your life, but it will also add value to your home.

Why Hire A Professional Landscape Design Company Springfield MO

Why Hire A Professional Landscape Design Company Springfield MO?

Does your dream backyard have beautiful plants, shrubs and winding walkways? If you want everything installed and built properly, hire a professional landscape design company. Gabris Landscaping has the experts you can rely on to not just meet, but exceed standards to make sure the job is done right.

Our professional landscapers have excellent ideas that work. Since professional landscape companies have years of experience with a wide variety of great customers, we are already familiar with the most popular designs and ideas. Based on our customer’s previous designs, we already know what works and what does not work.

Getting The Job Done Right The First Time

There are some backyard spaces that simply cannot have certain features built in, based on architecture, slope of your yard, and other elements. We know what’s best and will advise you of your options. Knowing this information can help save you money, time, and effort in the long run. When you hire us, you aren’t just getting a professional landscape company, you are hiring a team of consultants that can help you design and implement your own personal backyard sanctuary.

Our professional landscapers can actually save you money in the long run, because we know how to avoid common pitfalls that sometimes arise during landscape design and building. Knowing these elements can save you money and speed up the project.

If you try to do the landscaping yourself and you plant several plants and shrubs in your front yard and backyard that need consistent watering you might overlook a few things. Did you account for sun and shade throughout the day? Are there larger trees in the area that may well pose a hindrance to the best growth possible?

We want you to enjoy the hard work that it would take to spruce up your yard and the investment into the plants – the first time! Having our experience and the knowledge will prevent headaches later on. Are you thinking of planting a tree by the house? We’ll make sure you allow enough space for roots to grow or the canopy to not grow into the gutters.

We Help Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Our professional landscapers will help you design your own personal oasis. Maybe you have looked at home magazines or watched HGTV to get ideas for how to design your backyard. You probably have so many ideas to implement, but how do you do logistically accomplish this task the right way? You hire a professional landscaping team. Our landscapers have many years of experience building and designing backyards and front yards. We have created beautiful backyard retreats for our customers.

Our professional landscapers can conceptualize your landscaping while helping you maintain your budget. Tackling a huge backyard makeover by yourself is not recommended. A lot of planning and designing goes into it, not to mention the tools to implement your ideas. Gabris Landscaping will take care of all of this for you.

When we meet in the beginning to discuss your project, we will also talk about your budget. We keep this in mind so we can create a beautiful outdoor space for you and not hurt your wallet. Also, we are well aware of how much materials cost nowadays. If you are budget-conscious, we can determine how to give you an outdoor paradise without going over your budget.

Our landscape design experts are well-versed with our local climate. The climate in our region is a very important factor when designing your landscaping. You don’t want to plant shrubs that will not survive throughout a harsh winter. You also want to consider which types of flowers, shrubs, etc to plant—- perennials, biennials, etc.

We Offer A Wide Range of Services

Our professional landscapers offer a wide range of services to help you. Broadening your options can be a very good thing. When hiring our company to complete your project, we have the expertise to bring about the whole package including yard grading, re-seeding and mulching to put icing on the cake. With our combination of services, we know you will absolutely love your brand new backyard oasis. It’s about more than offering specific services. It’s about designing an outdoor lifestyle for you and your family.

We have years of experience with landscape design, but we also know how to do the job right.

Cold Weather Landscaping - Landscaper Springfield MO

Cold Weather Landscaping – Landscaper Springfield MO

With colder weather, when we think of our yards, we likely picture dead foliage, decaying leaves, and snow trodden grounds. Mixed in with the blustery winds and the cold gray skies we often see during the winter, it’s not a pretty thought.

How do you landscape during colder weather? “You don’t” most people think. Fortunately, that’s simply not true. With the right landscaper, any season can be the perfect season to turn your yard into a masterpiece.

Tips for Creating a Beautiful Cold Weather Landscape

Creating an attractive landscape may seem like an impossible feat during the coldest months of the year, but with the right design elements, your home’s exterior can still be a thing of beauty. Forget about leafless trees and bloomless plants. With the following tips from our landscape design experts, your yard can be the envy of the neighborhood once again.

Consider planting cold weather blooms. Stick with four-season perennials and winter shrubs. Red cornus and hollies add striking interest against the graying winter landscape. And, if you can’t seem to find the blooms you enjoy, evergreen is a classic winter staple.

Rely on your hardscape. The solution to enhancing your cold weather landscaping is not necessarily about what you plant in your garden. A well-placed trellis, bench, or arbor can add character to your home’s exterior. And it will be a year-round centerpiece once winter is long gone. An outdoor fireplace can enhance the aesthetic of your outdoor space, while providing warmth and light for an outdoor gathering space.

Embrace color. Color is essential to a well-done landscape. But, if you can’t find colorful winter plants, you can always brighten up your hardscapes. Colorful outdoor furniture or accent pieces can provide the pop of color needed to bring an evergreen landscape to life.

Lighten up. In the winter months, our evenings are plagued with darkness a bit earlier than we’d like, which permits very few outdoor activities—until now. Shed some light on your outdoor space by installing fixtures that accent your home’s best landscaping features and create light for outdoor gatherings.

Did we spark your interest in landscaping your home’s exterior for colder weather? Contact us today for more information from our landscaping design professionals. We’ll provide you with a free design consultation and quote for your project.

Most landscapers in the colder regions have plenty of reasons to get cold feet about winter. But not us. At Gabris Landscaping, we are committed to providing top-notch cold weather landscaping design services. Contact us today for your design consultation.

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