Lawn Mowing Service
Our lawn care crews mow yards on a weekly basis at the appropriate height according to the type of turf growing in each yard. We alternate direction to minimize the chance of leaving ruts in the yard, and we mow in patterns to give lawns beautiful curb appeal. Combined with the complimentary professional edging we use on the curbs of all fescue lawns, our stripes will leave a healthy lawn looking similar to professional sports fields and high-end golf courses.
Top of the line lawn care service requires top of the line lawn care equipment. All of our power equipment is made by Stihl. We believe Stihl power tools are the best available on the market for not only consistent quality performance, but also for dependability. The commercial lawn mowers we use are Ferris Walk-Behind mowers, of various deck sizes to account for various gate and yard sizes. The dual-hydraulically driven Ferris Walk-Behinds provide excellent handling and control to safely mow the tougher hills and hard to mow areas. They are designed to minimize the pounds per square inch of pressure exerted on a lawn while mowing. This prevents soil compaction problems, (also known as ‘ruts’) in our customer’s lawns.
Grass cutting (AKA the growing season) in Springfield, Missouri usually begins in April and ends in November, give or take a week or two. For all landscape maintenance budgeting purposes, we recommend our customers plan for 30-36 lawn care service visits in a single growing season.
How Does Our Lawn Mowing Service Work At Gabris Landscaping?
Billing for our lawn care service is done on an account system through Quickbooks. Accounts can either be pre-paid, or billed on the 1st of each month following the performance of services. Financing fees do apply to all accounts not paid 30 days after the 1st of the month following any services rendered. Services for unpaid lawn care accounts will be discontinued after the 30 day payment period. Extra mowing efforts required due to over growth on an account paid late may be billed for a double or triple mowing if necessary.
During drought periods or periods of non-growth, customers reserve the right to call prior to arrival of the mowing crew to cancel mowing service for the week. Service will be resumed the following week in the event that we skip mowing your lawn by request. Multiple weeks in a row may be skipped by repeated cancellation request each week, but over-grown lawns due to excessive skips may be double or triple charged if necessary. We only charge you for the weeks we show up to mow the yard. In the event that services are cancelled upon our crew’s arrival to the property or access to entire property is not available for whatever reason, we reserve the right to bill for the entire cost of a regular mowing service that visit. Otherwise, our crews will show up to mow the lawn every week from April until November, weather permitting.