Lawn and Landscape Blog

Fall Is the Best Time for Landscape Replacement Springfield MO

Fall Is the Best Time for Landscape Replacement Springfield MO

Garden centers have us tricked, and we let them trick us. After a long winter of reading magazines full of tantalizing plants and flowers, we itch for the first warm day. Nurseries make most of their annual income in the Spring, which almost everyone considers to be the best time to replace their landscaping.

But it isn’t. Fall is the best time to plant grass and shrubs and it’s time we realized this. Not only is cooler weather easier on new plants, but planting with rain on the horizon also has advantages. Here’s more on why planting in the Fall can make your yard more robust than we imagined.

Plants love Fall weather. Their leaves aren’t stressed by scorching sun, and cooler temps lessen the demand for water from the roots. Many experts think that fall-dug plants are more robust than spring- or summer-dug plants.

Less watering means lower maintenance. If you plant in spring or summer, more often than not you have to dutifully keep up with watering during those first few weeks or months. Constant observation of your new landscaping gets tedious as the heat ramps ups.

It’s easier on the trees once their leaves are gone. There’s less pressure to devote resources to keeping them alive, and all of their effort is dedicated to growing roots. That’s the benefit of Fall digging for all plants. You’re helping them concentrate on roots, so when they come back in the Spring, they’re ready to put on more top growth in the form of lovely foliage and stunning blooms. If you plant in Spring or Summer, you have to wait an entire year to see those results.

It’s also easier to see where you need to add plants. You should leave your plants up for winter to help the landscaping insulate itself, capture moisture and protect overwintering pollinators, but it also will help you see where the gaps between plants are. Maybe a grass is needed in an open spot, or you realize you want some spring blooms to pop in one bed. Now’s the time to make those changes while the mosquitoes and leaves are gone. You can actually see the ground and get to it through the skeletons of the year’s growth.

So when you’re ready to plant new grass and shrubs, don’t wait until Spring. Call Gabris Landscaping in the Fall to schedule your next landscape replacement project.

When Should you Aerate and Overseed - Lawn Aeration Springfield MO

When Should you Aerate and Overseed? – Lawn Aeration Springfield MO

In Springfield, Missouri, lawn aeration and over-seeding are important to maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn. Grass can get old and worn down. Overseeding is a fast and convenient way to make your lawn lush and green again without starting over. Overseeding is spreading grass seeds over an existing lawn.

Lawn aeration keeps your grass beautiful by improving soil structure and combating soil compaction. Healthy soil has both macropores and micropores which provide space for plants to absorb nutrients and oxygen. Overly-compacted soil no longer has the porous space required for healthy grass growth. Although aeration and over-seeding are important, it may be confusing as to when would be the best time to perform these activities.

Best Time to Aerate and Overseed is in the Fall

We recommend that you aerate and overseed at least once a year to maintain a beautiful lawn. Lawn Aeration and overseeding in Springfield, Missouri is best done during fall when the weather is cooler. There will be plenty of sunlight because trees will start to shed their leaves. Additionally, diseases that attack seedlings are less active.

Second Aeration and Overseeding in the Spring

If your lawn needs more attention and is highly compacted, overseeding and aerating twice a year could provide an even thicker and healthier lawn. Spring would be the next best time to aerate and overseed your lawn again. However, be sure to mow your lawn a few times before aerating in the spring. This will allow the lawn to grow quickly enough to recover and utilize increased pore space that results from aeration.

When in doubt, be sure to hire a professional to determine what the best plan is for aerating and overseeding your lawn. It is critical to follow specific instructions on watering, equipment, seed mixtures and blends. At Gabris Landscaping, we offer services for both aeration and overseeding. Give us a call to maintain a healthy and beautiful lawn.


Time-Saving Lawn Care Ideas - Lawn Care Company Springfield MO

Time-Saving Lawn Care Ideas – Lawn Care Company Springfield MO

With our busy lives, it’s often hard to find time for proper lawn care. However, there are several things that you and one of the best lawn care companies in Springfield Missouri, Gabris Landscaping, can do to save you more time while maintaining a healthy lawn.

Mow More Frequently

Although it sounds counterintuitive, mowing more often can save you time so long as you’re only removing 1/3 of the grass blade at a time. Grass clippings that are too long can lead to more time raking and toting bags to the curb. Cleaning up is time-consuming. Although you’ll spend more time mowing, you’ll save much more time cleaning up.

Spray Weeds

Instead of pulling weeds, spray weeds instead. Spraying weeds will save time because it will control the whole plant. In contrast, pulling weeds may allow it to re-grow later. Weed control materials can help manage broadleaf weeds, crabgrass, and nutsedge. When in doubt, give our expert lawn care company, Gabris Landscaping, a call. We offer a lawn care application service. It is important to know the types of weeds that exist and which treatments are best.

Use a Lawn Care Company to Seed Your Lawn

Although you could seed your lawn yourself, professional lawn care companies will have the equipment that can perform this task in much less time. Without a lawn care company, you would have to borrow a truck and trailer, pick up seed at the store, unload the machine, run it for hours, and wash the machine off.

Use Preventative Lawn Care Applications

There are some lawn care applications you should never go without applying each year. It is far better to prevent pests and diseases than to treat them later when they become a problem. It is crucial to make sure all treatments for lawns, shrubs, or trees are applied in a manner consistent with Federal, State, and local laws.

Use Timers for Irrigation

The first couple months after seeding is the most important. Be sure to regularly water your lawn. Neglecting this task could lead to wasted money and time. To avoid forgetfulness, buy timers and set up irrigation for your lawn to water certain areas at certain times. You can also save time dragging hoses and sprinklers around several times a day by installing an irrigation system. An irrigation system can be installed by lawn care companies.

To save the most time, give our experienced and professional lawn care company a call. We can take care of your lawn while saving you valuable time.

Preventing Lawn Fungus and Reducing Lawn Applications Springfield MO

Preventing Lawn Fungus and Reducing Lawn Applications Springfield MO

Preventing Lawn Fungus and Reducing Lawn Applications

Lawn fungus can spread rapidly and be very damaging to your lawn. It can spread to areas that are weak, dying, and unhealthy. Lawn applications such as fungicide can treat fungus by preventing its growth and spread. However, fungicides are chemicals that have many environmental and health disadvantages. Fungicides can drain off your lawn and contaminate nearby lakes and rivers. The chemicals in fungicides are detrimental to aquatic life. Additionally, fungicide can be harmful to humans and cause irritation to skin, eyes, and the respiratory tract. However, this lawn application can be reduced by following some best practices to prevent and control fungus.

Maintain soil at proper pH level.

Most lawn grasses prefer slightly acidic soil near 6.0 to 7.0 pH, where essential nutrients stay readily available. Regular soil testing and appropriate soil amendments help keep your grass healthy and strong.

Follow good mowing practices.

Mowing low creates the grass conditions that disease organisms love. Weakened and wounded grass provide the perfect conditions for fungus. After the disease gets started, you can even spread it around via the mower blades because the disease rides on the blades. Instead, mow the grass at heights recommended for your grass type. Keep your mower blades sharp, and mow according to grass growth. Remove only one-third of the blade height in a single mowing. Collect and dispose of lawn clippings if you suspect fungal disease. Don’t compost; some diseases spread through clippings, infecting compost.

Use Fertilization

Under-fertilizing leaves grass undernourished, and overfertilizing promotes weak, rushed growth; both mistakes set up lawns for disease. Fertilize with premium products that release essential nutrients at the right levels.

When Lawn Application May Be Necessary

Although these preventative tips can be effective, infections may still occur. After all other efforts have failed, you can contact a professional such as Gabris Landscaping for lawn applications of fungicide. It is important to hire an expert with experience and knowledge on how to handle chemicals.

Types of Landscape Mulch Installation Springfield MO

Types of Landscape Mulch Installation Springfield MO

Landscape mulch installation is the act of placing a protective barrier of mulch around your plants and over your bare soil. Mulch is used as soil covering for several reasons:

  • Preserve water and retain moisture
  • Trapping heat
  • Weed prevention and control
  • Help control soil erosion

There are many types of landscape mulch installation. It can be made up of a variety of decomposing organic materials, including bark or wood chips, or non-decomposing non-organic materials such as recycled tires, pebbles, and landscape fabric.

Pebble Mulch

Pebble mulch/gravel is best used for pathways or driveways. It allows water to drain through, which cement and asphalt do not do. Gravel and pebble mulch also absorb some heat from the sun during the day, and give it off at night, creating a mini micro-climate.

Rock Mulch

Rock landscape mulch can be used in perennial flower beds or other perennial plantings. Large rocks absorb heat from the sun during the day, creating the potential for larger warm micro-climate areas than small pebbles. Dark stones and rocks will absorb more heat than white or light-colored stones. Larger stones and rocks also cover more area with fewer stones. A good covering of larger stones will also help prevent soil erosion.

Pumice Rock

Pumice rock is a type of landscape mulch made from very lightweight porous rock. Its porous characteristic allows it to trap and retain moisture. No other rock mulches are able to retain moisture. It will also absorb some heat from the sun, but not as much as other rock mulches.

Landscape Fabric

Landscape fabric is a black fabric usually made from woven polypropylene. Using a black, landscape fabric catches the heat of the sun, warming up the soil beneath it sooner than usual. This keeps the soil a little warmer at night, making it possible to plant out heat-loving crops a little sooner than you otherwise would be able to.

Each type of mulch has its differing characteristics and uses. When deciding on the types of landscape mulch installation, it is best to talk to an experienced professional about your options.

Proper Techniques for Lawn Irrigation - Springfield MO

Proper Techniques for Lawn Irrigation Springfield MO

Proper Techniques for Lawn Irrigation

Proper lawn irrigation can be the difference between perfect looking plants and wilted or dying plants. Overwatering is the number one cause of death for new plants. Different irrigation techniques use varying amounts of water and deliver water to different places on or around the plant. Always look up the water requirements for specific plants. For many small plants, frequent smaller volumes of water are ideal. In contrast, larger plants and trees prefer larger volumes of water less frequently. For 1-2 weeks after planting, it is best to water daily at half of normal watering time (and twice daily during the summer heat). Between 3-8 weeks after planting, three times a week at regular watering schedule works best for lawn irrigation systems.


The best time to water lawns and other plants is during the cooler parts of the morning, especially during a warm summer. Watering in the morning gives the water a chance to soak into the soil before the sun’s heat causes it to evaporate. Avoid letting water splash on plant leaves if at all possible, particularly if watering after 8 A.M.

Drip Lawn Irrigation Technique

Drip irrigation, also called trickle irrigation, delivers water directly to the soil. This method has advantages over watering methods that spray water over the entire plant. The best drip irrigation systems have plastic pipes beneath the soil that carry water directly to plant roots without visible sprinklers or hoses. Drip irrigation uses less water than other types of irrigation because the water soaks into the soil before much of it has a chance to evaporate and is especially beneficial for hilly landscapes because its low-flow pressure will not cause runoff and erosion.

Sprinkler Irrigation

Sprinkler irrigation is convenient because it can cover large areas without requiring you to do any work. Sprinkler systems range from multiple sprinklers with automatic timers to a single sprinkler attached to a hose in the garden. Watering when wind is minimal reduces evaporation loss.
Knowing the correct lawn irrigation technique is crucial to maintaining healthy and beautiful plants. Contact Gabris landscaping to determine the best technique.

Avoiding Brown Spots In Your Yard - Lawn Care Services Springfield MO

Avoiding Brown Spots In Your Yard – Lawn Care Services Springfield MO

Brown spots on your lawn can be a frustrating experience. Even when you think you’ve done everything to ensure a lush, green lawn, suddenly a brown spot appears.

There are many possible reasons why you may be seeing brown spots on your lawn. Let’s review a few potential causes and the best remedies to keep your lawn looking bright and green.

Human and Animal Damage

It’s very easy for both humans and pets to cause damage to the lawn. Some common causes include:

Animal Urine – Dogs are the most likely culprits, but large birds, cats, and other animals can cause urine stains as well. You can figure out if your brown spots are caused by animals by checking to see if the spots are yellow with bright green around the edge, indicating diluted nitrogen found in the urine, which acts as a fertilizer.

To avoid these issues, try to make sure your pet is well-hydrated can make their urine less toxic, and you can also train your animals to do their business in a different area of the yard.

Dull Mower Blades – Dull blades tear your grass and cause damage as they pull the blades away from the root system.

To avoid this problem, sharpen your mower blades in the fall and spring, and check them after mowing to make sure the mower is cutting your grass evenly.

Chemicals – Gasoline, fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides can cause dead spots if spilled.

To avoid this problem, make sure you always pour any chemicals, fuels and sprays on your driveway or on a patio stone, not on your lawn, and always carefully follow the directions.

Poor Growing Conditions

In some cases, the conditions in your yard may be unfavorable for grass to grow. Some of these issues can include:

Poor SoilSoil quality can vary between different areas in your lawn, and patches of poor soil can cause brown patches.

To avoid this problem, take a screwdriver and push it into the soil. If it goes in easily, your soil is likely compacted and needs to be aerated.

Erosion – Water tends to run off in slopes, often taking grass seeds and young shoots with it.

To avoid this problem, aerate your lawn to increase water absorption. If you’re dealing with a steep slope, consider building terraces or planting ground cover.

Roots – Large trees or shrubs nearby can be a drain on resources for grass, causing the surrounding area to look patchy.

To avoid this problem, consider mulching or naturalizing areas under trees and shrubs instead of trying to get grass to grow in an area will you’ll always have an issue.

Drought – A healthy lawn requires an inch of water a week, which can come from rainfall or irrigation. A dry spot can become compounded by drought damage.

To avoid this problem, make sure your lawn is watered evenly.

Lawn Diseases and Pests

If none of the previous suggestions above have worked, then it might be time to move on to more serious measures against pests and disease.

Thatch – Thatch is a buildup of decaying grass which chokes out healthy grass.

To avoid this problem, remove the thatch by raking your lawn if it’s more than ½” thick.

Grubs – Grubs are common late-season problem, and can be identified when your sod pulls back from the ground like a carpet.

To avoid this problem, check for fat, white, curved worms beneath your sod. Contact us for pest control applications to eliminate the grubs from your yard.

Fungal Diseases – Fungal diseases can become common during the midsummer months, when the temperature is hot and humid.

To avoid this problem, aerate your lawn and make sure your grass gets as much sunlight as possible. If it persists, contact our lawn care services to help get this under control.

If you need help identifying the causes of brown spots in your yard or solutions on how to fix them, contact the lawn care services team at Gabris Landscaping.

Warmer Weather Requires Yard Pest Control Springfield MO

Warmer Weather Requires Yard Pest Control Springfield MO

When the weather starts to warm up, the insects and pests come out of hibernation and start attacking your lawn and landscaping. The most common lawn pests we deal with are chinch bugs, grubs and sod webworms.

Don’t lose the battle over chinch bugs. Chinch bugs can attack your lawn quickly as weather warms and adults move into open areas where females lay eggs. These eggs hatch, and begin feeding on grass plants while releasing plant damaging toxins. Damaged areas first appear as yellowish to brownish patches which enlarge as the insects spread. Gabris Landscaping’s yard pest control reduces the number of these pests on your property and minimizes the risk of infestation.

Grubs are the larval stage of several beetles. During their life cycle, they exist approximately two inches below the lawn’s surface, continuously feeding on the root system. Proactively treat your lawn for grubs with our yard pest control. Grub damage is most likely to occur in the late summer and early fall months. However, grubs can also be present and cause damage in the late spring. Grub activity will encourage damage due to scavenging animals including skunks and birds, both of which will search for grubs to feed on. Damage may not be apparent until it is too late, requiring costly repair.

The Sod Webworm is the caterpillar state of a common lawn moth. The night flying moths drop eggs from which the caterpillars hatch in the lawn and begin to feed on grass plans almost immediately. Damaged areas have yellow patches of turf that may eventually turn brown and die. Webworms are only active at night, chewing grass leaves, often severing the entire plant at the crown. During the day they retreat to silk lined tunnels in the thatch or soil. Birds flocking to your lawn to feed may indicate Sod Webworm activity. Control of Sod Webworms is included in your Lawn Doctor Maintainer Care program.

Gabris Landscaping can provide the best yard pest control treatment to help prevent damage to your lawn before it occurs. A properly cared for landscape adds both beauty and value to your home while it provides natural support for the environment. We can help you create and maintain the quality landscape you deserve to have surrounding your home.

Spring Landscape Checklist - Landscaping Services Springfield MO

Spring Landscape Checklist – Landscaping Services Springfield MO

Does your backyard have plenty of room for improvement? Let us help you come up with the right landscape design to suit your needs. Make plans now to transition your landscape this spring with the help of our professional landscaping services.

Landscape Design Ideas

Sometimes the hardest part about landscaping your yard is finding the right ideas you need to begin the project. Here are a few general landscape design ideas for back yards with different purposes.

A Backyard Made for Entertaining

Make your backyard the setting for summertime parties by including these features:

– Hardscaped surfaces to place tables and chairs
– A fire pit and other sources of outdoor lighting and heat for fun after dark
– A large gate to bring in tables, chairs, tents and more
– A grill or an outdoor kitchen to prepare food outdoors while surrounded by party guests

A Backyard for the Family

Give every family member a place to enjoy in the back yard with these features:

– Safe play area for the kids including a jungle gym, swing set and sand box
– Hammock for teens to enjoy a good book on a lovely afternoon
– Seating area for adults to soak up the outdoors and keep an eye on the kids
– Fenced in yard for privacy and safety

A Low-Maintenance Back Yard

If you want to enjoy a serene outdoor setting without much work, include these features in your back yard:

– Native plants, trees and grass
Xeriscaped and hardscaped areas that don’t require pruning, mowing or watering
– Covered seating area to keep outdoor furniture in good shape longer

Spring Landscape Planning

Having an idea of what you might want to include in your new backyard gives you a good starting point, but putting your plan to paper is a crucial part of making your design ideas a reality. Our landscape designers will plot the positions of fixtures you don’t want to change, such as trees, sidewalks, buildings, driveways and similar items.

We will also figure out important details such as where will the irrigation system go? How will you run electricity to the lights and pond pump? Are stone steps practical, or do you really need a ramp?

We will consider the topography of your back yard and whether your ideas are feasible. Then our landscape designer can help you choose specific plants, hardscape materials and more to ensure your back yard meets your specific needs.

To work with a knowledgeable landscape and hardscape design company, please contact the pros at Gabris Landscaping. We can help you accomplish exactly what you have in mind for your backyard this spring.

Spice Up Your Landscaping with Water Features Springfield MO

Spice Up Your Landscaping with Water Features Springfield MO

Adding water features to the landscaping in your yard helps to soothe the spirit after a hard day of work. A beautifully planted yard with well-groomed plants and hardscaped walkways with custom bricks is a great start, but it lacks the flow and continuity that a stream, pond or fountain can bring. A well-designed yard will make a statement about the owner with a professionally designed pond, waterfall or fountain included in the landscape.

There are a variety of water features to consider for your landscaping with more benefits than just beauty and relaxation to be gained. With the increasing weather shifts including droughts and intermittent heavy downpours, a well-designed yard can include rainwater harvesting. A water garden created by our certified landscape professionals can be one of the most beautiful and earth friendly water features that one can invest in.

Our water features add tranquil beauty and relaxing sounds to a back or front yard oasis. Especially when you mix in lighting with your water features and plants to make them feel more natural. Your family and friends will all feel welcomed and relaxed in a yard with these additions. No need to travel to some far away location to relax. It makes sense for families to do more to make their home like a mini vacation spot.

Water features designed by our landscape professionals can avoid some of the leakage and mildew problems that homemade additions or hobbyists encounter when attempting to install such an intricate feature.

Lovely waterfalls and ponds can actually channel excess rain away from the foundation of a home, offer some flow and balance to the yard, and become a lovely topic of conversation. Keep in mind that there will be extra maintenance for these water features, so they are only recommended for the dedicated homeowner.

Imagine working from home and wanting to take a break. Simply by walking into your back yard, a quick stroll can energize the spirit to go back into the focus mode for a more productive working day. A home business owner would be better prepared to entertain business guests with a patio and a small stream or fountain running nearby. The conversation is much more likely to go well with this type of atmosphere.

Our professional landscape designers will take into account the drainage of the soil, the location of the streets and trees, and the run off of your yard. Our final design will be one that not only adds harmony to your life, but it will also add value to your home.

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